When you have full-blown POTS, the last thing on Earth you want to do is exercise. But it bugged me, probably because I used to be a competitive 5k runner (ok, maybe I was the only one who viewed me as competition) and I felt like she was calling me weak or out of shape. There was a time that I spent a full 45 minutes on the treadmill at an 8-minute pace. Deconditioned? I'll show you deconditioned.
Hip Thrusters. |
Pushups can be performed on your knees. |
At first, I did that once a day. Then I started doing it twice a day. Then three times. A great way to build overall endurance is to use shorter bursts of tolerable activity. So I did that every single day - three short sessions of calisthenics.
Over time, my endurance grew. My sessions grew, too. I added on more crunches. I brought in some simple quad extensions, squats, calf raises, side lying leg lifts, flutter kicks and "Supermans" for my back. I started setting a timer on my phone and making myself keep exercising for 15 minutes, rotating between sets of different activities.
Do NOT put your hands behind your head! |
So even if you feel terrible, try it. If you have tried other exercise approaches and they just didn't help, give this a shot. Start easy, build up slowly. Get down on the floor and do 25 crunches, 25 hip thrusters and 5 pushups. Try to do this 3 times a day, a few hours apart. See how you feel in a few weeks. If you stick with it, I'm guessing you will feel a difference.
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