Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Up and Downs

No matter what you do, there's going to be ups and downs in POTS. I'm definitely feeling a "down" right now. The past few days I've woken up just tired and drained. Still, I've gotten out of bed and made myself go to the gym. I'm so glad I've done this, because it made me feel better.

Oh my POTS compatriots... hang in there. Whatever you do, don't let this thing keep you down. Get out of bed, at least for 5 minutes at a whack. No matter how crappy you feel, force it to happen. I know, believe me, I know how horrible it feels and how getting up is the last damned thing you want to do. I know it deeply. But I can tell you I also know how much better I feel after moving around.

No matter how much of a horror show your workout is, make yourself get through it. Get out of bed, lay down on the floor and knock out crunches, hip thrusters and kneeling pushups. You can do it! I know you can!!!

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